Leading Collaboratively in Complex Systems workshop

Posted by Ken Dagley
25 July

Complexity doesn’t disappear once we intervene in a system. Instead, it moves and adapts, therefore controlling complexity, or hoping to ‘deal’ with complexity, will not succeed. We need to alter how we approach complexity and place emphasis less on top-down strategies and more on building complexity leadership capabilities.

This practical, hands-on workshop will highlight what is required to support collaboration, shared understanding and approaches to leading in complex systems.

Professor Silke Meyer is a criminologist and social worker by training, bringing practical and theoretical expertise to her research, teaching and writing. She has delivered evaluations for a number of government and non-government organisations, including police, child protection, perpetrator interventions and victim support services. Her research has been published and cited across disciplines and continues to inform policy and practice in areas of victim, perpetrator and family-related service delivery.

Workshop details:
Date: Thursday 18 August, 8:45 am – 4:30 pm
Venue: Christie Spaces, Level 1, 320 Adelaide St Brisbane

Archersfield’s team building, strategic planning and professional coaching have assisted our network of organisations to become more efficient, effective, and focused on delivering great services for our clients and communities.

Kerrin Benson – Chief Executive Officer, MDA Ltd

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